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A club can benefit tremendously from the Kwikwap website system. Most importantly for a club is the Events Calendar because that way members can quickly and easily view events that the club is holding; a bonus being that the Kwikwap websites can be viewed from any wap enabled cell phone, even the old ones! Another important feature is the ease of updating the Events Calendar, one just logs in, go to events calendar, add the event details from quick and easy drop down menus and press "Update Changes". The Kwikwap SMS system also comes in handy at clubs because one can send out a large number of SMS's in a flash (our system can handle 100,000 SMS's in an hour). Another benefit is that one can view all the committee members or members with a click of a button (including your cell phone web browser button!) be in the public section of the website or the protected members' area. The Kwikwap system also allows for the public to join your mailing list or even to join online!
Any type of information can be hidden from public view, for example your budget or financial statements (or even forms, photos of videos). The member's section can even have it's own online shop (with lower prices that is available in the "public shopping area"

OK and the last benefit, which often has a bearing on clubs, is the affordability of Kwikwap's websites for clubs!
2014 Website design special

Buy two websites and only pay R3,500. Call 082 69 99 99 2 now!

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